- 本週合併了許多將在v0.13.0版本發布的程式碼
- 執行檔可望在本週發布,CLI應當會率先發布,而後才是GUI。
- TheCharlatan將會宣布/建議本次版本使用可重現編譯(reproducible build)的可行性。
- 若不幸失敗了,程式碼/二進位版本將會以原先的方式發布,可重現編譯的版本將改於v0.13.1推出。
- 翻譯小組在發佈前還有些檔案需要處理。
- 未來的版本發布規劃
- 建構小組希望於2019一月推出v0.14.x版本 - 大幅提前於下次協定升級的時間。
- 將會預留超過一個月的時間測試並於二月正式發布。
- 目標是讓排程不要這麼緊迫 - 在接近正式發布的時候別塞入太多的新功能。
- 防彈協定的安排方式是個很好的例子:原先排在2018較早的月份,但因程式碼的審查而決定延後推出,整個過程運行的相當順利。
- v0.13.x 的GUI**可能**會加入使用手冊/教學文件
- 如何妥善的打包還在討論中。
- 用PDF很好但可能會成為一個攻擊向量。
- 團隊正在尋求替代方案。
- Mac在v0.13.x支援Ledger的測試尚未收到足夠的資料,開發Ledger整合介面的其中一名開發者,cslashm,並無Mac供測試
- 目前已知在Mac上有個可能的bug是按下按鈕過快或過慢時會有點問題。
- 下次開會將於10月14日 UTC 17:00(台灣時間10月15日01:00) 以上翻譯來自於紀錄原文: https://monerobase.com/article/monero_devmeeting_2018-10-07 完整會議紀錄:
1:02 PM rehrar> 1. Greetings
1:02 PM @ArticMine> Hi
1:03 PM ErCiccione> Hi
1:03 PM rbrunner> Hoi zäme
1:03 PM i2p-relay> {-oneiric_} hiyo
1:03 PM iDunk> Hi
1:04 PM rehrar> 2. Brief review of what’s been completed since the previous meeting
1:07 PM rehrar> it’s been one of those weeks
1:07 PM @fluffypony> merges
1:07 PM rbrunner> There must be a RC somewhere, just don’t know where
1:07 PM @fluffypony> lots of merges
1:07 PM rehrar> I also think many many people are at the conference
1:07 PM rbrunner> All to go into still?
1:08 PM @fluffypony> last call for 0.13 is today
1:08 PM @fluffypony> we’re tagging tomorrow
1:08 PM @ArticMine> oh excellent
1:08 PM rehrar> yay!
1:08 PM rehrar> builds out one day soon sometime maybe then also?
1:08 PM @fluffypony> yeah
1:09 PM @fluffypony> TheCharlatan will advise as to whether repro builds are good to go, even if it’s just for a platofrm
1:09 PM @fluffypony> *platform
1:09 PM @fluffypony> else we’ll do it old school
1:09 PM → tnsepta joined (tnsepta@community.of.aeonminingpool.com)Sterl@unaffiliated/sterl)
1:09 PM @fluffypony> and maybe 13.1 can be repro built
1:10 PM rbrunner> So that’s already that far along with “repro”? Didn’t notice
1:10 PM iDunk> Maybe we need to talk about deps versions in depends.
1:10 PM → Sterl joined (
1:10 PM iDunk> OpenSSL is 1.0.1k for example (IIRC).
1:11 PM rehrar> That’s still kind of super exciting.
1:11 PM iDunk> But they build fine here :)
1:11 PM xmrscott> Quick Q: Close to finishing up translating the daemon for all but the simple_wallet context. For the sake of clarifying for better localization in tools::wallet2 context does ‘escape’ in “Wallet password (escape/quote as needed)” refers to escape characters, not some other kind of escaping like ctrl+c, right
1:11 PM xmrscott> ?
1:12 PM endogenic> yep
1:12 PM ErCiccione> fluffypony: what about GUI? that would be build tuesday right? i still have some translation who have to be merged, and i have to refresh all language files again before tagging
1:12 PM +moneromooo> Escaping means signalling a character is to be interpreted as itself, not as a command or similar.
1:12 PM +moneromooo> So \$ to mean $, etc.
1:12 PM @fluffypony> ErCiccione: I’m entirely open to suggestions on the GUI, you guys must decide how urgent the release schedule is for the GUI
1:12 PM @fluffypony> I don’t think it has to be on Tuesday
1:13 PM rbrunner> The GUI compilation might stumble over the new build directory layout for Monero
1:13 PM @fluffypony> but it has to be pretty soon
1:13 PM xmrscott> Yep yep, I just wanted to make sure given the quote; I never heard ‘quote as needed’, just ‘escape as needed’ so I was a bit puzzled L)
1:13 PM @fluffypony> rbrunner: that’s fixed with the usesinglebuilddir flag
1:13 PM rbrunner> Ok, so somebody took the hammer to fix the problem :)
1:13 PM ErCiccione> fluffypony: last news i have from luigi, he wanted to tag on tuesday, so i’m getting everything ready for that day
1:14 PM @fluffypony> ErCiccione: ok cool that works
1:15 PM rehrar> is dEBRUYNE medusa_ or dsc_ around to briefly talk about the GUI then?
1:16 PM rehrar> oh, didn’t see ErCiccione’s comment about Tuesday
1:16 PM endogenic> xmrscott: single quotes output the exact string. but double quotes doesnt do so if the string contains anything like a $ - the $ would have to be escaped to appear literally
1:18 PM ErCiccione> rehrar: yes, basically only translations missing, and the slider to choose the ringsize will be removed, since it will be fixed now
1:19 PM → +Guest23908 (voiced) joined ⇐ lancillott0 quit
1:20 PM +Guest23908> [monero] TheCharlatan opened pull request #4510: Consolidate HID depends makefiles into single recipe (master…staticHID) https://git.io/fxsPz
1:20 PM ← +Guest23908 left (fluffypony@coreteam.getmonero.org)
1:20 PM rbrunner> So it looks like this time we are ready quite early before the HF. Comforting.
1:20 PM → lancillott0 joined (lancillot@
1:20 PM @fluffypony> rbrunner: we can do way better tho
1:20 PM rehrar> what would you suggets fluffypony?
1:21 PM ErCiccione> oh, the GUI will have a ‘Pirate’ language for 0.13, don’t know if you guys noticed. big feature there
1:21 PM @ArticMine> Yes I agree we are still cutting it close
1:21 PM @fluffypony> well this time what was nice is that we started making waves early
1:21 PM @fluffypony> for the next hard fork I think we should aim to put out 0.14 RC in January
1:21 PM @fluffypony> and then over January it’s bug fixes to the branch only
1:21 PM @fluffypony> and release final in February
1:22 PM rbrunner> January is awfully close already …
1:22 PM @ArticMine> Yes that sounds like a good approach
1:22 PM endogenic> rbrunner: much will be added by then
1:22 PM @fluffypony> rbrunner: I agree, but we need to get into the habit of going “this feature won’t be ready, we’ll leave it for the next release”
1:22 PM @fluffypony> instead of trying to cram things in
1:23 PM rbrunner> Right. I better hurry with “my” MMS then to get it in.
1:23 PM @fluffypony> we did VERY well with Bulletproofs for that
1:23 PM rehrar> And it’s only the first time that we transition to such a schedule that it will be close. After that, things will start going into another branch
1:23 PM @fluffypony> we had pressure to get it in early in the year, and we just said no
1:23 PM @fluffypony> because it needed more vetting
1:23 PM xmrscott> What about anti-asic-ness? Do we really want to put that out three months early giving manufacturers 9 months legroom to manufacture and mine with, or is that still safe enough?
1:24 PM rbrunner> Maybe post-HF hashrate will tell
1:24 PM rehrar> xmrscott: I think with the falling block reward, and the fact that it WILL change we are hoping it to be cost prohibitive enough that they won’t do it at all
1:24 PM rbrunner> Very large fall -> maybe there were already ASICs again
1:24 PM rehrar> they’ll focus on other, easier coins
1:24 PM rbrunner> Don’t believe it, however
1:24 PM @fluffypony> xmrscott: that’s a good point, but I think a few extra months of prep won’t make a diff
1:24 PM rehrar> but yeah, we’ll see post HF
1:25 PM → TheCharlatan joined (
1:26 PM rehrar> Ok, any discussion about code or tickets?
1:26 PM ErCiccione> Now it’s time to bother about my guide once more. How is going to be included in the GUI for 0.13? rbrunner installer? manually added by pony?
1:27 PM ErCiccione> fyi it’s ready and released in both markdown and PDF versions
1:27 PM rbrunner> I assume it will be in the official 0.13 Windows ZIP where I get it and package it
1:28 PM pigeons> PR submit to a docs/ directory in the gui repo?
1:28 PM endogenic> is a pdf an attack vector, btw?
1:28 PM endogenic> guess jpgs could be too by the same token
1:28 PM i2p-relay> {-oneiric_} yes, embedded js and other nastiness endogenic
1:28 PM ErCiccione> pigeons: opened this yesterday https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/pull/1602
1:29 PM rbrunner> Only if somebody manages to get a fake build in, I guess, with ActionScript in the PDF
1:29 PM ErCiccione> endogenic: it could be, since i could add malicious links, that’s why i think the submodule was the best idea to include it. And then build it to the archive from there, as fluffypony suggested
1:30 PM @fluffypony> yeah I think submodule + add to the final build dir via make
1:30 PM @fluffypony> even if the source repo is attacked it doesn’t matter
1:30 PM @fluffypony> the submodule is linked to a particular hash
1:30 PM @fluffypony> commit hashj
1:31 PM endogenic> ah cool
1:31 PM ErCiccione> the point is that i seriously doubt the submodule + make thing will be finalized before tuesday, so the question remain: how is it going to be included in 0.13?
1:32 PM ErCiccione> PDF version can be found here btw: https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-GUI-guide/releases/tag/1.4
1:32 PM medusa_> rehrar: some of us are in prague enjoying ourselfs. I heard some prs need to be merged,but otherwise gui should be ready. Tag on wednesday should fit
1:32 PM endogenic> ErCiccione you could put a txt file in the docs dir with that link and say it will be included in the next release
1:32 PM rehrar> medusa_: have fun! sorry to bother
1:33 PM @ArticMine> … but since this is not consensus can it not go into 0.13.1.xx
1:33 PM rbrunner> Well, it should be only 1 manual copy over away, done by fluffypony just once now, with make file not yet ready
1:33 PM @fluffypony> yes of course
1:33 PM qif> that’s a gret job erciccione
1:33 PM qif> i have just seen it
1:33 PM i2p-relay> {-oneiric_} https://github.com/perfaram/pdf-zip-nes-polyglot
1:34 PM @fluffypony> of course, I think we need to be very strict with ourselves that things that go into the release-v0.13 branch after the release are bug fixes *only*
1:34 PM @fluffypony> perhaps with an exception for reproducible build functionality which is critical
1:34 PM ErCiccione> endogenic: that’s an option, but i would still prefer to add it manually to the archive. Nobody will evr see it in ‘docs’
1:34 PM endogenic> yep .. hotfixes basically
1:35 PM ErCiccione> thanks qif :)
1:35 PM selsta> so we will drop the RC tag tomorrow? (sorry missed the meeting)
1:36 PM selsta> asking because nobody tested Ledger on macOS yet apart from me and shipping broken Ledger support would be bad
1:36 PM @fluffypony> selsta: yes
1:37 PM selsta> sending is half broken for me at least
1:37 PM rbrunner> Half broken? Does that exist?
1:38 PM selsta> sending works sometimes, but fails when you accept the fee on the ledger too fast or too slow
1:40 PM endogenic> still no hwdevice sending in simplewallet, right?
1:42 PM @fluffypony> selsta: have you opened an issue and tagged Ledger?
1:44 PM selsta> yes https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/4203#issuecomment-409894321 also I’ve talked with cslashm about it but he has no Mac to debug it
1:44 PM selsta> okay, I can open an issue about it
1:44 PM → +Guest23908 (voiced) joined
1:44 PM +Guest23908> [monero] moneromooo-monero opened pull request #4511: tests: update crypto tests data file after PRNG changes (master…ct-data) https://git.io/fxsX0
1:44 PM ← +Guest23908 left (fluffypony@coreteam.getmonero.org)
1:45 PM rehrar> Alright, any other meeting items that need discussing?
1:45 PM endogenic> could be nice to send him a mac mini
1:45 PM rbrunner> Maybe a call on Reddit? Maybe somebody has a spare
1:47 PM ErCiccione> rbrunner: imho a call of reddit it’s a good idea to get some eyes on the issue
1:50 PM rehrar> well, if there’s nothing else I think we can wrap for the day
1:50 PM rehrar> should we hold a meeting next week, or go back to two weeks?
1:50 PM → +Guest23908 (voiced) joined
1:50 PM +Guest23908> [monero] fluffypony pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/fxsXK
1:50 PM +Guest23908> monero/master f9485a3 moneromooo-monero: tests: update crypto tests data file after PRNG changes
1:50 PM +Guest23908> monero/master ad99a35 Riccardo Spagni: Merge pull request #4511…
1:51 PM ↔ +Guest23908 (voiced) nipped out
1:51 PM +Guest23908> [monero] fluffypony closed pull request #4511: tests: update crypto tests data file after PRNG changes (master…ct-data) https://git.io/fxsX0
1:51 PM ← +Guest23908 left (fluffypony@coreteam.getmonero.org)
1:51 PM @ArticMine> I would suggest nest week ahead of the fork
1:51 PM → +Guest23908 (voiced) joined
1:51 PM +Guest23908> [monero] fluffypony pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/fxsXP
1:51 PM +Guest23908> monero/master 21a624a TheCharlatan: Consolidate HID depends makefiles into single recipe…
1:51 PM +Guest23908> monero/master 890824d Riccardo Spagni: Merge pull request #4510…
1:51 PM ↔ +Guest23908 (voiced) nipped out
1:51 PM +Guest23908> [monero] fluffypony closed pull request #4510: Consolidate HID depends makefiles into single recipe (master…staticHID) https://git.io/fxsPz
1:51 PM ← +Guest23908 left (fluffypony@coreteam.getmonero.org)
1:51 PM @ArticMine> Even if it is brief
1:51 PM rehrar> alright. Well, see you guys next week then. 17:00 UTC
1:51 PM rbrunner> Can do no harm
1:51 PM rehrar> thanks for coming!